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Share the Gift of Education

Haus of Peace has partnered with the University of Whitewater University psychology Departments for the last three years. Every fall, our interns create a topic that is in need, write the curriculum and teach life-learning skills. 

Workshop Schedule 

April 10th April 17th

May 1st 

May 8th

Topic: Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Why do I believe my thoughts?

Cost: Free

Facilitator: Dr. David Byrne
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
Location: Saint Paul Guild Hall 413 S 2nd St, Watertown, WI 53094

Sign Up: 920-285-7179

Workshop Topics


What Are the Reasons Behind Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a learned behavior by the abuser. After witnessing patterns of domestic violence from their families, friends, or societal influences, people may develop and repeat the same patterns over time. Remember that domestic violence is never the victim’s fault, no matter what.  Men witnessing intimate partner violence growing up are more likely to abuse their partners. In every instance of domestic violence, a person chooses to commit abusive acts based on their belief system – when they can choose not to.  We do what we know, and we know what we see. That’s how we form everything. If I’ve grown up in a house where behaviors such as expressing anger by punching a wall or yelling or pointing your finger in someone’s face have been normalized – that’s my reality. That’s what I know. Sometimes cultural influences are ingrained with patriarchy – like ‘man of the house.’ It’s tough because they are generalizations we ingrained as a society,” Battering Intervention and Prevention Programs (BIPP) are there to change existing belief systems, and people who have previously learned to abuse others can change their behaviors, but only if they desire to change and are committed to changing in all aspects.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the following factors can increase a person’s chances of becoming an abuser:

  • Low income

  • Low academic achievement

  • Young age

  •  Aggressive behavior as a youth

  • Heavy alcohol and drug use

  • Depression

  • Anger and hostility

  • Being physically abusive Prior history of

  • Few friends and isolation from other people

  • Unemployment

  • Emotional dependence and insecurity

  • Belief in strict gender roles (e.g., male dominance) 

  • The desire for power and control in relationships

  • Being a victim of child physical or psychological abuse

Where Does Domestic Violence Most Often Occur?

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), intimate partner violence increased by 42 percent from 2016 to 2018 and now makes up over 20 percent of all violent crime.  The likelihood of someone, male or female, becoming a victim is high, no matter where they live.  However, some states have larger issues with domestic violence than others.   According to the NCADV, 49.1 percent of women and 40.7 percent of men in Oklahoma will experience domestic

Learning to Set Healthy Boundaries Early in the Relationship

It is important to understand that victims of domestic violence aren’t necessarily codependent, to begin with, but can become codependent as a result of the abuse. In a fact sheet on codependency, Mental Health America defines boundaries as the physical and emotional limits we set to protect ourselves from being manipulated or used by others.
Therapist Kristen Flow explains that boundaries have to do with what we need in order to feel safe and respected. Remember that you have every right to set clear boundaries for yourself, and you never have to explain or defend them.

Begin by Defining Your Boundaries For Yourself.

Ask yourself: What is okay with me and what is not okay with me? e.g. It is not okay for people to speak to me in a disrespectful way.

Share The Gift of  Volunteering!

The true aim of volunteering in the local community:

To improve the lives and change the direction of the community members! The importance of community service is honorable, and communities glean countless benefits from nonprofits and their volunteers. 

Volunteerism is contagious
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